First impressions count! Your resume is your first impression on a potential employer, and it plays a critical role in securing your dream job. However, not everything belongs on your resume. To help you craft a winning document that showcases your qualifications effectively, the PM Connection team has compiled a list of 10 things you should leave off your resume. These tips will not only help your resume stand out but also increase your chances of landing the job you desire.

  1. Personal Information: While it’s essential to include your contact information, you should avoid sharing personal details such as your ID number, marital status, or date of birth. These details are unnecessary and can lead to potential privacy issues.
  2. Objective Statements: Objective statements are outdated. Instead, focus on a compelling summary or professional profile that highlights your skills and career goals. This allows employers to understand your value proposition immediately.
  3. Irrelevant Work Experience: Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for. Exclude any work experience that is not relevant to the position. Highlight the roles and skills that directly relate to the job in question.
  4. Unprofessional Email Addresses: Ensure your email address is professional. Email addresses like or may give employers the wrong impression. Stick to a simple, professional address.
  5. High School Information: Unless you’re a recent high school graduate or your high school experience is directly related to the job, there’s no need to include it. Focus on your higher education and professional achievements.
  6. Hobbies and Interests: While it’s fine to have hobbies and interests outside of work, they typically don’t belong on your resume. Use the limited space to highlight your professional accomplishments instead.
  7. Salary History: Avoid mentioning your salary history on your resume. Discuss compensation during the interview stage or, if required, in the application process. Sharing this information prematurely can be a disadvantage.
  8. References: You don’t need to include references on your resume. Instead, create a separate reference page with a list of professional contacts who can vouch for your abilities. Provide this list when requested.
  9. Typos and Errors: Your resume should be flawless. Triple-check it for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting issues. Even a single mistake can make you appear less professional.
  10. Negative Information: Never include negative experiences or reasons for leaving previous jobs on your resume. Keep the focus on your positive achievements and skills. Discuss any negative aspects, if necessary, during the interview.

Your resume is your ticket to a successful career, and what you choose to include or omit can significantly impact your job search. By leaving off these ten things, you’ll create a polished, professional document that captures the attention of potential employers and highlights your qualifications effectively. Remember, your resume should be a dynamic document that evolves with your career, so keep it up-to-date and relevant to each job application. Connect with the PM Connection team today to see how we can help you find your dream job.